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How to cope with the depression

How to cope with depression

 Symptoms of depression

Constant grief or emptiness Change appetite (ie Eating too much or too little) Disturbed sleep or pessimism I feel tired or lack energy I feel helpless, crooked or helpless Lack of interest in normally pleasing activities Problems with concentration or decision making Restlessness and irritability Suicidal thoughts Physical symptoms, sore throat or headache.

When you feel pain in any part of your body, you usually seek medical help immediately. But if the pain is emotional, such as a constant feeling of sadness or helplessness, people often ignore it and do not seek help for months and sometimes years. If you are unsure whether to seek help from a specialist, here are some tips to help you make that decision.


Many people say that they exercise for better mental health. Those people are right. Exercise is effective in combating mild cases of depression because it stimulates the secretion of dopamine. And we are not talking about preparations for a marathon. 30 minutes of walking a day is enough to improve your mood. And if you prefer lighter exercises, even yoga can help you fight depression. 

Eat good food

Fish that contain Omega 3 fatty acids have a positive effect on those parts of the brain that affect mood. Try to eat low-mercury fish. 

Along with fish, you can also eat baked potatoes for a dose of vitamin B6, which also helps fight depression. Also, foods high in folic acid (such as spinach, beans, and oranges) are high in serotonin, which improves mood.

Dream well 

Getting seven to eight hours of sleep is one of the most important things you can do to improve your emotional health. According to one study, people who suffer from insomnia are five times more likely to suffer from depression than those who sleep well. 

Skip watching TV or using phone until late at night and write down everything that bothers you in a notebook to be relieved of worries. To help you fall asleep, you can try a few easy exercises.

 A little silence

Frequent meditation is just as effective as medication in reducing depression. Yoga is great for clearing your mind, but if it is not to your liking, then you can set aside ten minutes each morning for deep breathing. And if you do not feel comfortable and want to move, try this method of meditation: walk slowly for 20 minutes (without music), look at the ground two meters in front of you and focus on raising and lowering your feet. 

Go to the light

Depressed people who were exposed to light one hour after waking up within five weeks showed improvement. 

Spending time outdoors improves mood and is an effective way to fight stress. Spend an hour in the park, or ride a bike while doing your homework. And if you have no other choice, at least try to be close to the window.

Call a friend 

It is no surprise that lonely people are more prone to depression. To feel happy, try to build a strong relationship with at least three friends. Automate meetings with them, arrange to rehearse together twice a week, or arrange to watch movies together once a month. 

With their help, your mood will remain at a high level. [6 Natural Ways to Feel Happier]

Positive thinking

Positively think about resting so that you can recognize your negative thoughts. When you feel particularly low in Danima, listen to what you are saying to yourself. Think especially of negative thoughts and try to get rid of them. Is there any evidence that can refute this mission? Can you put a realistic end to that? To be the best at practicing positive thinking, seek help from a counselor or therapist who will help you identify negative situations in your life and empower you to imagine them in a positive light.

Do something that you enjoy

Find something you enjoy doing regularly (several times a week), such as:

  •  Walking Jogging
  • Team sports (tennis, volleyball, football, soccer, etc.) 
  • Swimming 


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